Chemotherapy treatments for ovarian cancer can cause temporary hair loss. Below are some sources of information and support which may be helpful.


Hair after chemo

We teamed up with cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better to deliver some of their confidence-boosting virtual workshops. The LGFB team also kindly agreed to share some of their recorded tutorials with us.



New hair growth after cancer treatment, guidance and tips

In 2020, we held an online session with support charity Cancer Hair Care, where Ovacome members were able to ask Clinical Director Jasmin Julia Gupta for advice and recommendations around hair, scalp and wig care. Following the session, the Cancer Hair Care team kindly put together a blog post with a list of the resources that were discussed in the session. 


Ovacome blog posts about hair loss




Other resources

Macmillan Cancer Support information

Look Good Feel Better

Afro hair loss guide, by Cancer Hair Care

Suburban Turban


Simply Wigs

Wills Wigs

Continental Wigs

Vogue Wigs 

Direct Wigs

Heather’s Hair is a service for patients who are suffering hair loss through chemotherapy or other causes. Heather’s Hair is a lightweight human hair hairpiece, sewn onto a headband or Alice band to be worn under a scarf or hat.

Toni & Guy Strength in Style service

Scalp cooling advice


If you have any questions or need any further information please contact our support service team on 0800 008 7054 or email [email protected]


Disclaimer: We do not recommend any particular service or supplier. You should consult your medical team for individual specialist advice. Links to commercial and third-party websites are for general interest. Ovacome does not endorse any commercial product or accept any liability for loss or damage resulting from this information or that contained within third-party websites.