Person using the phone

Resources in other languages

We know how important it is to provide a service that is inclusive and accessible to all. We provide symptom information in six community languages – Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu. These resources can be viewed from our community language pages or you can order leaflets for your hospital using the form below.

We can also translate our clinical information about ovarian cancer on request. If you’re working with a patient who would benefit from our resources in one of these languages, please get in touch to see if we can accommodate.

Order community language leaflets

We recently worked with a London-based trainee clinical psychologist to provide personalised information to one of their patients in Bengali:

I am working with a Bengali patient with ovarian cancer who has experienced early surgical menopause, which has had a huge impact on her personal life. She came to psychological therapy for support with the impact of her cancer diagnosis and treatment.

I was having an extremely hard time trying to find information in Bengali for this lady. I therefore created some personalised materials for her that explained her difficulties, but I was wary of using Google Translate to translate these because it is such a sensitive topic, and I did not want anything to get misinterpreted.

Thankfully I came across Ovacome. I cannot speak highly enough of the service they have provided for me. They went above and beyond to help my patient. They provided a written transcript for my patient in Bengali of a webinar organised by a partner charity Ovarian Cancer Action and even allowed her the opportunity to ask the webinar facilitator questions in advance.

They have also translated the personalised materials I created into Bengali and also information on ovarian cancer, the menopause and sexual relationships. The care and dedication they have shown towards getting my patient access to all of the information she needs has been incredible. Ovacome work with an interpreting and translating company who work in 350 languages. I highly recommend this service and I really hope lots of health professionals out there know about it! 

Katie Ireland (Trainee Clinical Psychologist)


Support lines in other languages

Alongside our main support line (0800 008 7054), we run six community language support lines. When a person calls one of the lines below, they are greeted by a message in their language asking them to leave their name and number, so that our support team can call them back as soon as possible with an interpreter.

Arabic: 0121 647 6630
Bengali: 0121 647 6631
Gujarati: 0121 647 6632
Polish: 0121 647 6633
Punjabi: 0121 647 6634
Urdu: 0121 647 6635